My research concerns the development and the application of electronic structure methods within chemistry and condensed matter physics.
:: Development of electronic structure methods
With the development of electronic structure methods I aim to provide accurate and efficient tools to calculate the properties of real materials from first principles, i.e., from quantum mechanical laws without relying on external parameters. In particular I focus on:
- improving the reliability and accuracy of density functional based methods
- extending the applicability of many-body perturbation theory to larger and more complex systems through fast algorithms
Recent relevant publications:
Exciton-plasmon states in nanoscale materials: breakdown of the Tamm-Dancoff approximation
Effect of spatial nonlocality on the density functional band gap
:: Applications of electronic structure methods
Currently I am involved in the following projects implying the application of electronic structure methods:
- electronic structure of high-k materials within many-body perturbation theory
- dissociation mechanism in hybrid organicmetallic systems by (time-dependent) density functional theory
Recent relevant publications:
Quasiparticle calculations of the electronic properties of ZrO2 and HfO2 polymorphs and their interface with Si
:: Code development
My research on the development of electronic structure method implies the implementation of the proposed methods, approximations and algorithms into a scientific code. At present, I am a developer of Yambo, a scientific software package for many-body calculations in molecular and solid state physics. During my Ph.D. I have contributed to ADF, a quantum chemistry software package based on Density Functional Theory.
Recent relevant publications:
Yambo: An ab initio tool for excited state calculations